Cabinet Gregory                      

ATTENTION Fraudsters are known to have used our name and the ORIAS number (07002203) of our legal entity International Financial Advisers.
We offer NO direct investments.
NEVER transfer money directly to an advisor

Please provide us with full details if you receive any suspect requests - using the details on our Contact page.

ATTENTION Des fraudeurs ont utilisé notre nom et numéro ORIAS (07002203) de notre entité legale “International Financial Advisers”.
Nous ne proposons AUCUN investissement en direct.
 Ne transférez jamais de l’argent directement ŕ un conseiller.
Si vous recevez des propositions suspectes, merci de nous le faire savoir (voir page Contact).

Financial advice update 2009for international clients wishing to live in France

(Please note that as a result of Brexit, we are unable to advise new clients who are resident in the UK)

When moving to any new country, it’s important to organise :

Financial Planning : prepare your finances now and avoid future concerns 

Global taxation : understand the rules and pay no more tax than necessary.

Intelligent investment :build a balanced and tax efficient financial & property portfolio


We have built up a small network of advisors and experts - able to assist high net worth individuals with :

- preparing for a move to or from France

- retiring or relocating to France

- planning & organising investments and long-term income for life in France

- reviewing and optimizing the tax you pay in France

- investing in French property for rental income or as a second home

- organising mortgages for French property

- inheritance planning, limiting the impact of the French forced inheritance rules

- helping you prepare for meetings with French notaires, banks and lawyers

Copyright © 2024 Cabinet Gregory                                             Latest modification: 04 March 2024                                            Email: