Cabinet Gregory                      

ATTENTION Fraudsters are known to have used our name and the ORIAS number (07002203) of our legal entity International Financial Advisers.
We offer NO direct investments.
NEVER transfer money directly to an advisor

Please provide us with full details if you receive any suspect requests - using the details on our Contact page.

ATTENTION Des fraudeurs ont utilisé notre nom et numéro ORIAS (07002203) de notre entité legale “International Financial Advisers”.
Nous ne proposons AUCUN investissement en direct.
 Ne transférez jamais de l’argent directement à un conseiller.
Si vous recevez des propositions suspectes, merci de nous le faire savoir (voir page Contact).

Financial Planning

Cabinet Gregory can help you find the right experts
  to plan, organise and optimise your finances
  enabling you to achieve your personal goals
  within the constraints and opportunities of French tax & investments

We suggest a simple three step approach :

1. Analysis
  • Define personal goals : including timing and location
  • Review current incomes & assets
  • Estimate relevant  worldwide taxes
  • Prepare cash-flow forecasts to clarify how goals could be achieved
2. Identification of potential improvements
  • Review net return after taxes on worldwide property & financial investments
  • Identify options to reduce tax on income, capital gains, wealth & inheritance
  • Evaluate potential structures such as SCI property holding companies (sociétés civiles immobilières) and  Assurance Vie financial wrappers
  • Calculate potential financial savings for each option 
3. Implemention of recommendations
  • Prepare simple short- and mid-term financial action plans
  • Implement the actions using carefully chosen banks, notaires, avocats and accountants


Copyright © 2024 Cabinet Gregory                                             Latest modification: 29 January 2023                                            Email: